Nobody uses drugs or alcohol with a plan to become addicted, but at the same time, addiction doesn’t just happen after the first time drugs or alcohol are abused. Addiction is an unexpected, and unplanned for outcome that results from repeat substance abuse.
Unfortunately, addiction changes the mechanical nature of the brain, resulting in behavioral changes that may include things like cravings, drug-seeking, and altered perception.
Physical dependence on drugs or alcohol can lead to withdrawal symptoms, heightened tolerance, and irrational behavior. Psychologically, addiction can cause changes in mood, uncontrollable cravings, and a distinct prioritization over the substance versus other needs or responsibilities.
Treatment centers utilize basic principles of recovery to assist those who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Most programs offer an array of addiction treatment sources including CBT, group therapy, individual counseling, support and medical care. If you suspect that you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, call our helpline at 888-810-3710 Who Answers? for immediate assistance.
Signs of Addiction
Recognizing addiction can be a challenge. Of course you don’t want to point fingers at a loved one only to find out later that they weren’t actually using drugs or alcohol despite your beliefs. Likewise, if you’re trying to pinpoint whether YOU yourself are suffering from an addiction, clouded judgement, and a natural ability for humans to downplay potentially serious situations could prevent you from seeing what’s really there.
Fortunately, a number of signs can signify an addiction to drugs or alcohol. While these signs of addiction may not be 100% present in each individual, and they can vary based on the type of substance that is being abused, early recognition can help you to pinpoint a potential problem that warrants further help.
Such signs of addiction may include:
- Increased use of substances such as drugs or alcohol
- Increased desire to avoid situations that do not involve substance use
- Lack of responsibility or a direct neglect of responsibilities such as actively caring for work, home or school related needs
- Changes in mood such as major shifts in excitement followed by anxiety, depression or other side effects
- Changes in personal appearance or a neglect for one’s personal appearance
- Problems at work, home or school
Individually, each substance of abuse can have addiction warning signs associated with addiction. Just like each person is distinctly different from the next, so too are cases of addiction. As such, it is important to find a treatment program that will address your individual needs and treat your addiction in a manner that’s right for you.
If you’re struggling with addiction, call our helpline toll-free at 888-810-3710 Who Answers? to speak with a treatment specialist that can help you find a rehab program that’s idea for your recovery. We can match you to a treatment program that specializes in treating all types of addictions.
Alcohol Addiction
Alcoholics are characterized by strong cravings for alcohol that simply do not go away. In fact, these cravings will persist and plague the individual day and night. Alcohol addiction often leads to extreme circumstances including erratic changes in behavior such as:
- Going through extreme measures to obtain alcohol.
- Hiding alcohol around the house or in the car.
- Stealing alcohol from family or from a store.
- Blacking out, not remembering what happened while intoxicated.
- Acting irrationally when intoxicated. This includes driving under the influence or using other drugs while drinking.
Individuals suffering from alcohol addiction are usually unable to control their drinking, but in some cases there is what is known as a “high functioning” alcoholic. High functioning alcoholics will continue to work, maintain family life, and take part in regular activities but they also drink excessively. Often times it can be more challenging to spot a high functioning alcoholic simply because they don’t show as many of the outward signs of addiction such as changes in ability to maintain responsibilities.
Regardless of whether alcohol rules every minute of your life, or you’re a high functioning alcoholic that’s able to “skate by” despite having a drinking problem, professional treatment is needed. Left untreated, alcohol addiction can lead to lifelong consequences including liver damage, memory loss and cirrhosis.
The best way to overcome an addiction to alcohol is to seek professional treatment in a rehab center. For information about treatment centers that can help you or someone you care about get back on track, call 888-810-3710 Who Answers? to speak with a caring admissions coordinator. Our counselors are standing by to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Drug Addiction

Mood changes, such as anxiety and depression, can be indicative of addiction.
Drug addiction is a serious problem that affects millions of people throughout the United States. Illicit drugs such as meth, cocaine and heroin are readily found in night clubs, on street corners and even in our schools. These drugs all carry a significant potential for addiction that cannot be overlooked.
If you suspect that someone you care about is abusing an illicit substance, call our helpline today at 888-810-3710 Who Answers? for help. Or treatment referral service can answer your questions, verify insurance and provide you with a free, no obligation referral for help.
In addition to the many dangerous street drugs that lead to addiction, people just like you are also suffering from addiction to prescription painkillers, over-the-counter medications, and other legal substances. Both illicit drugs and legal drugs have the potential to lead to addiction if they are abused regularly or if they are not taken as prescribed.
Unfortunately, many people fall into a state of addiction as a result of having been prescribed a medication by their own doctor. It’s rather simple to become addicted in this way. It starts with taking medication for a legitimate problem, but as time goes on, the problem is no longer there, but you still take the medication – sound familiar?
If you’re taking medications for any reason other than prescribed, you may be suffering from addiction. Call our helpline toll-free to talk with someone about your recovery options. We can help you decide whether inpatient treatment is the right choice for your needs or if you should consider another program of care.
Treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol generally takes place in a residential center where patients can receive around the clock care. These programs allow patients to receive medical care, monitoring and support at all hours of the day and night.
We believe that residential treatment is the best choice for most people entering rehab for the first time, but every case is different which is why it’s important for you to call our helpline to discuss your situation directly. Call 888-810-3710 Who Answers? to find out what the best treatment option is for your unique situation.
What If I am Addicted?
If you suspect an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the best decision you can make for yourself is to come clean. But quitting is hard! You’ll need support, you’ll need education, you’ll need behavior modification, and you’ll need professional help—we can provide all of those elements. Call our helpline toll free at 888-810-3710 Who Answers? for more information.
Don’t allow addiction to ruin another day of your life. Treatment programs are an essential part of the recovery process. Left untreated, an addiction can cause irreversible consequences. Permanent damage to the body is possible and, life threatening circumstances may ensue.
Fortunately, professional treatment can turn your life around. With support and quality care in a residential treatment facility you can begin to adjust to life without drugs or alcohol. Here you will learn how to live and interact with others in a safe, clean environment where drugs or alcohol are prohibited.
Inpatient treatment can help you focus on what matters most—you’re recovery. For help finding a treatment center that can assist you in the recovery process, don’t be afraid to contact us. Admissions coordinators are standing by to take your call and hear your story. Many of our professionals were once in your shoes suffering from addiction themselves.
You’re not alone—and you won’t ever be alone in this battle if you call for help. It’s the first step, but it could the be the ultimate change in your life that makes a difference between whether you succeed or fail. Call 888-810-3710 Who Answers? for help today!